Calling all creative types, including 'green thumbs' to share your gifts & talents. Every 5th Sunday at Liberty Chapel from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
No sore losers allowed! This is a time for some playfully competitive fun and fellowship!
A ministry close to the pastor's heart is the redemption and restoration of those who have suffered domestic and/or sexual violence. There's no finger-pointing or blame gaming here, in any direction, only realizing and rejecting any further interactions with the traps which have always been set and waiting to ensnare. Participants have a choice of twelve (12) one-to-one, or small group (4) sessions and must be fully committed to see it through to completion. Note: One-to-one sessions are Zoom only and small group are hybrids of Zoom and in person. At any time, participants can change from one-to-one to small group and vice versa, but only once. If the participant chooses to leave small group for one-to-one, she must remain in one-to-one for the remaining sessions.
Another ministry close to the pastor's heart is the renewal and revival of those who have battled being who they know they are most comfortable being as a male member of society, which isn't always society's considerations of what a "real man" is. There will be no bashing or angry rehashing for the purpose of keeping the 'tough guy' mask on, but there will be plenty of opportunity to verbalize pain and struggle which will be acknowledged with the understanding of 'familiar spirits' and the sinister ways curses travel with them. Participants have a choice of twelve (12) one-to-one or small group (4) sessions and must be fully committed to completing the sessions. Note: One-to-one sessions are Zoom only and small group are hybrids of Zoom and in person. At any time, participants can change from one-to-one to small group and vice versa, but cannot switch back. If the participant chooses to to leave small group for one-to-one, he must remain in one-to-one for the remaining sessions.
Fully mindful of NOT turning God's house of worship into a commercial outpost, we are taking care to offer faithful, faith building and fun items for sale, through public virtual viewing & private, secured, digital purchasing means only.
The entire gallery will be on display by April 2025. At that time, you will be able to click the 'Gift & Talent Showcase' action button/link below to view the gallery and then choose your item(s) by clicking the corresponding button(s) to then "Contact Us". We will be ready to respond with the information needed for purchasing, and upon the received payment, your choice(s) will be shipped to you no later than the next business day! Thank you for your interest & support! Please note, this is not a mass merchandising type of marketplace. It is primarily a venture for additional sustainment, as well as a training ground for the entrepreneurial-minded in our fellowship. So, as a rule, there will not be multiple quantities of an item for one customer to purchase, as quantities will be limited. The only exceptions will be items from businesses or manufacturers with surplus inventories and overruns, which will be specifically identified as such to avoid confusion.
If one is ever able to sit down to have a conversation with the pastor about music, just be prepared for some serious outside of the box dialogue! Does she enjoy Gospel and contemporary Christian music? Certainly! But she has learned how music of ALMOST any genre can flip the script in a better direction for troubled hearts and minds. And so, she developed an array of sounds to meet the struggling where they are, but not leave them there. Someway, somehow, there’s always a marker, a bridge, at an intersection pointing to Christ’s side and the pastor can hear it, see it, reveal it, flip it, align it. Welcome to her special survive (and thrive!) intersectionality music café.
And if you need any help navigating, just ask!
To all of Liberty Chapel's members who have been and continue to be steadfast followers and sustainers of this historic church, it is essential that you know your participation & contributions don't go unnoticed or unappreciated. Therefore, it is your pastor's delight to move forward with what should really be a church family norm in caring about and for one another. Reminiscent of her paraprofessional school days, she is establishing this 'inreach' as a pilot program for other needful emergency helps and general routine care primarily for Liberty Chapel's families.
After Worship & Holy Communion Service, members and their immediate family members can basically "shop" for free. Within limits, we ask our Liberty Chapel family to take only what is needed, as this ministry operates solely by donations and everyone should have a chance at obtaining what they can truly use, not hold, hoard or resell.
The items are random, but they are not unrelated to anything many of us already need or buy and members will be notified of what to expect.
You know what they say right? About all work and no play making whoever you are a dull girl or boy? Well, if you're a creative type, to include having a 'green thumb', let's get together and showcase what we've produced for the season. Every 5th Sunday, bring your newest creation, as well as your arts & craft supplies or mixtape for some table talk and time away from the typical places and spaces to nurture your gifts and talents in light of God's love and purpose for your life.
It's been awhile since the pastor has played her video games, but her gaming skills are nothing to mess with. Of course that depends on the game, lol. Anyway, this is a school break and summer 'club' for the gamers of all ages in our church family. And it doesn't just have to be video games. She used to be 'a beast' at most board, card and other table games, including chess, checkers, solitaire, mancala, table hockey and pool. Each meeting will involve a different, voted upon & agreed to, game of choice to ensure all have had a voice in what game is played, so be prepared for staying home as well as traveling to the nearest bowling center, because you never know!
SCHOOL BREAKS: best Saturday or Sunday afternoon available;
SUMMER: 2nd and/or 4th Saturday, or both.
The pastor will communicate with parents, grandparents & guardians when these occasions are approaching.
WARNING: No gambling, betting, speculating, guessing of any kind, for any type of currency. Not even play money. 1st offense - three session suspension; 2nd offense - no participation for three months.
This specialized curriculum tackles the Biblical, yet problematic scriptures of domestic abuse and sexual violence in the context of cultural norms, time period and religious belief systems. Because of racial, social, political and even spiritual biases which have been levied against bodies of color, specifically female bodies of color, this curriculum is well able to respect the reality of the retraumatizing which continues in every setting of our society for girls and women of African, Native American, Latin American and Asian heritage.
Calling out from the cracks, closets, corners and cellars the shame and marginalization which have confused and clouded the lives of many, it rebukes the dismissal of the post-traumatic societal disorders that still exist. Women and girls who have experienced intentional assaults will gain tools and reinforcements for pushing back against others' stereotypes and the Enemy's persistence of robbing them of happiness & joy, as well as their authority & ability to take & stand their ground against all forms of malevolence. It's neither unusual or weak to become fearful or angry after being targeted, marginalized and violated to consider all men or all persons of a certain background dangerous and to be avoided or eliminated. However, for any identifying themselves as a "Christian" or a disciple of Christ, the risk is following through on those feelings to the point of extreme actions resulting in a final judgment which won't differ from any who don't identify as such. Battling against bitterness for the sake of living without the condemnation that comes with what Rev. Coleman-Fletcher calls maintaining "an insecure, envious and fear-based blanket bias" against others, she teaches how we are to love as God unconditionally loves, while yet hating what God hates per Proverbs 6:16-19, emphasizing that none of what it says deliberately or malevolently, spotlights or highlights by name a particular race, gender or religious belief, regardless of who it was written to and for. In other words, just because someone doesn't look like, sound like, believe like or have preferences like us, is no reason or excuse for being undermining or unkind to the majority due to the choices a relative few made in favor of wickedness. She encourages participants to be mindful of Jeremiah 18:18-23, Nehemiah 6:1-14, Psalm 37:1-40, and Matthew 15:1-20 among others during these lessons, solidifying how closely God is listening to the words and seeing the actions of everyone, especially those called by His Authentically Great Name, along with the reasonings behind those words and actions to see by whose standards/principles they're really being said and done.
These highly mature lessons are facilitated in small groups, primarily for women and girls from communities of color who are enduring, are seeking the resolve to escape or have already escaped abuse and violence of all levels, in all forms, from all areas, and desire a well-rounded renewing of their minds and hearts, rebuilding of their bodies and souls, and recollection of their spirits to live the fulfilling, joyful life God intended.
This focused series reviews the Biblical, yet seemingly contradictory scriptures of males demonstrating a presumed gold, Godly standard of bold masculinity while also downplaying or completely ignoring "bad actor" and "player" behavior. Through the lessons in this program, boys and men from communities of color, African, African-American, Native American, Latin American and Asian, who have suffered or may still be in a situation of domestic violence or sexual abuse will glean how not to become "the perfect storm" of their own lives, let alone a combined tornado, hurricane, earthquake and flood in the lives of those who care about and/or for them. Parallel to the female-oriented program, 'Cracks, Closets, Corners & Cellars', the lessons in this curriculum is well able to respect the reality of what Pastor Coleman-Fletcher calls a "trap cycle" permeating every facet of the male existence and thus enabling a violent thought process coupled with a possessive and protective yet diminishing and destructive approach being the immediate response to every threat, as well as an interwoven and progressively complex behavior-personality trait passed from generation to generation.
From all of the places where fear, frustration and fury wait to explode - the breaches, boxes, borders and basements - Pastor Coleman-Fletcher is calling males from communities of color who have been diminished through ugly and esteem-twisting words, inappropriate and angry touches along with the expectations of an intimate performance that rattles heaven and earth while being inwardly broken and non-verbally screaming for help. Learn, if you will, from a woman who began life with a sexually violent father, continued with an emotionally and physically violent stepfather, verbally and psychologically abusive boyfriends and yet through the eyes of the Holy Spirit, through higher education, seminary studies, counseling, interfaith & multicultural meetings, community & specialized group conversations, a certification program and definitely not to be left out, a fantabulous husband, learned how to remember them with a peace surpassing all understanding and a truly amazing, forgiving, unconditional love. No, their actions were not excused or dismissed, but layers in front of the bigger picture of how & why they were then and how & why some of today's males are now, have been revealed & understood for such a time as this, to share ways out of self-destructive as well as world-annihilating maleness .
These mature lessons are also facilitated in small groups, primarily for men and teen boys from communities of color who have been and are doing what they have to do to keep up appearances of being in control in the mirror of being victimizers, while perhaps having been victims themselves. For the man or young man of color who is weary from and finished with toxic, faulty and phony manhood, as well as the so-called "male gaze" that tends to go along with it, let's discover your path of escape out of the matrix and away from the blurred lines of being a humane human being capable of being content as the man God purposed you to be.
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